Fees and Funding
All nursery fees will be calculated Calendar Monthly. The Nursery will be closed for two weeks over Christmas and New Year. Invoices are sent for the following month on or around the 25th. KIDZ WORLD NURSERY ARE HAPPY TO ACCEPT ALL CHILDCARE VOUCHERS
Fees will be payable on all periods of absence from the nursery (Unless the appropriate notice period is given, see below for these) including sickness and circumstances out with our control, such as adverse weather where there are local school closures.
A non-refundable admin fee of £50.00 will be payable upon reserving a place at the nursery.
Fees are payable strictly by Standing Order or voucher in advance.
Current price list
Full Day - £52.50
Half Day - £32.50
Hourly - £7.50
Lunch - £3.00
To apply for a place please email Nursery@kidz-world.co.uk
All eligible children are entitled to 1140 hours funded childcare per year. Kidzworld proudly offer an additional 500 hours FREE on top of council funding each year. We are in partnership with Clackmannanshire Council to offer these funded places within our nursery. Funded places can be used either full time or term time. If you are interested in using your funded childcare at Kidz World Nursery please speak to the nursery manager directly and she will discuss your options and costs with you.
Parents should be aware that they may be entitled to up to 85% of their nursery fees reimbursed through Tax Credits. Our Care Commission registration number will be required if you are claiming benefit.
We accept all forms or funded placements for students. The college can fund up to 100% of your childcare costs but will not cover college holidays or absences from college. Please contact us to discuss your needs further.
We require 4 full calendar weeks’ notice in writing if you are leaving or reducing sessions permanently. You WILL be charged the 4 weeks’ notice period. Notice must be sent to Nursery@kidz-world.co.uk
From January 2024 kidzworld will no longer offer credits or removal of sessions for time off. When a child is off we need to keep the space available for their return and it is no longer sustainable to provide holidays free of charge as we cannot then offer these sessions to other children which means we have scarce spaces available but not being used. This impacts the business, staff holidays and training, and supporting other families.
There will be some exceptions made at managers discretion taking into account circumstances and notice given.
We remain committed to always try our very best to accommodate all parents and offer flexibility within our service.
From January we are also offering all funded children additional hours free of charge to support our parents and their circumstances.
We require 2-4 weeks’ notice for days required for a flexible place. If theses days are not in 2-4 in advance we cannot guarantee a place.
School closures out with our control will still be charged.